Tuesday, June 21, 2011

My Oasis

There is a newly built gazebo here at the apartment complex, where I live. It sits over a pond. There is a long pretty bridge that you have to cross over to get to it. (the pic below, shows what the bridge looks like from my view in my w/chair.)

I LOVE it out here in the early mornings, or late afternoons. Then there is usually a most lovely breeze blowing. Here I can listen to the

tranquility of a small water fountain out in the pond. And I usually have the place to myself. It is here that I like to read, or play on the computer. But of all, it is a place of solitude where I can converse with Jesus. I know that he is always with me wherever I am. But ever since childhood, I have always felt closest to Him in the outdoors.  

My day started out rather badly. I awoke from a most terrible dream. You know, one of those that you can only vaguely remember the dream and the boogey man within it. But it kind of sticks with you for a long time after waking up. Sometimes even staying in the far reaches of your mind all day. Also I had a bout of depression going on. But it was more than depression. It was more like an uneasy, fearful, and sad sensation, that just didn't want to leave me alone. But then I realized who was behind it. The devil ( whom I generally refer to as the "old man"). So I asked Jesus to please take care of it for me. And He did. I felt like gettng outdoors for a bit, so I first went out there, but it was too hot for a change. So I went to the covered picnic area near to the bridge.

There was a nice breeze there. The next thing I knew, several of my neighbors  saw me and decided to join me. We had the best time!! I really enjoyed their company. And they seemed to enjoy mine.

                    ~~~~~~~~~~Did You Know?~~~~~~~~~       

Do you find it hard to believe that the One who made everything keeps your name on His heart and on His Lips? Did you realize that your name is written on the hand of God (Is. 49:16)?


  1. Love this Linda!! We certainly are in this funk together! I've been this way too, for the last several days!!

  2. Thanks Cheryl!! I dunno, maybe the crazy weather is to blame? I hope that we both can get out of this funk soon!!
