Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Why Can't I Make Them Understand??!!

Those of us who are chronic pain sufferers and/or are disabled, have often asked this question.  We want other people to undertand what we are going through. We want them to understand that most of the time our pain is so severe that we can hardly think straight, let alone function.  We also want them to understand the fear and frustration we feel at the loss of  body functions.

But do we really want them to understand? Because the ONLY way for them to really know, is by suffering what we do.  Do we really want our friends and loved ones to go  through all of that?  Of course not. At least I wouldn't.   I would not even wish that on my worst enemy!   So be glad that they can't truly know what your day to day life is like.  Just love the ones who do try to understand.

But also love the ones that  shy away or say something inappropiate or hurtful. They don't mean to be hurtful. They are just scared and don't know what to do. And instead of always expecting others to understand what we are going through; let's try instead, to understand what it's like for them.

1 comment:

  1. I love that last line, Linda. Words to live by. If only we could all truly understand each other. It would really make the world a better place.
